Iran and Russia started negotiations for constructing a new nuclear power plant in Iran with a power capacity of 3,000 megawatts (MW), according to the local media outlets on Saturday.
Iran plans to increase its capacity to generate nuclear electricity, Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian was quoted as saying by the media outlets.
The country already has a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1,000 MW which helps the country to meet its high demand in peak times, Ardakanian noted.
Russia had built Iran's Bushehr-1 Nuclear Power Plant with 1,000 MW power capacity in southeastern Iran, which began operations in 2013.
The construction of Iran's Bushehr-2 Nuclear Power Plant started in 2016. The new NPP, which is comprised of two units with 2,100 MW cumulative capacity, is planned to be completed by 2026.
By Ebru Sengul
Anadolu Agency