Global coal consumption fell in 2016 by 53 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe), or 1.7 percent, the second successive annual decline, according to the recent BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017.
The report indicates that coal’s share of global primary energy consumption fell to 28.1 percent, the lowest share since 2004.
The largest declines in coal consumption were seen in the U.S. (-33 mtoe, an 8.8 percent fall) and China (-26 mtoe, a drop of 1.6 percent).
'Coal consumption in the U.K. more than halved, down 52.5 percent, or 12 mtoe, to its lowest level in our records,' the report reads.
- Production of coal declines in 2016
'World coal production fell by 6.2 percent, or 231 mtoe, the largest decline on record. China’s production fell by 7.9 percent or 140 mtoe, also a record decline. U.S. production fell by 19 percent or 85 mtoe,' the report says.
The report also indicates that emissions of CO2 from energy consumption increased by only 0.1 percent in 2016. During 2014-16, average emissions growth saw the lowest over any three-year period since 1981-83.
'The carbon emissions were essentially flat in 2016. This is the third consecutive year in which we have seen little or no growth in carbon emissions – in sharp contrast to the 10 years before that, in which emissions grew by almost 2.5 percent per year,' the report underlines.
The report also explained the reason for declining coal consumption and production.
'This shift largely reflects structural factors: the increasing availability and competitiveness of natural gas and renewables, combined with government and societal pressure to shift towards cleaner, lower carbon fuels,' according to the report.
By Gulsen Cagatay
Anadolu Agency