Endesa launched a European innovation project, CoordiNet, on Friday to help create an energy platform and open electricity markets to consumers, the Spanish energy company said.
A total of 23 companies and institutions from ten countries are participating in the Endesa-led project, which is co-financed by the EU.
According to Endesa's statement, the platform seeks to achieve a more active participation of consumers in the electricity markets while taking advantage of the flexibility that consumers and small generators can provide to the system in order to improve grid stability.
The project will run until 2022, and will coordinate transporters, distributors and consumers of electricity to 'define their new roles in an environment in which the flows of electricity cease to be one-directional (from the large generation plant to the consumer), and become bi-directional,' Endesa said.
According to the press release, the growing importance of renewables in the energy generation mix, the advance of distributed generation (small-scale sources close to the place of consumption), the development of self-consumption, the storage of energy and the mass integration of electric vehicles present new challenges to the sector that require updating the roles of all agents involved.
'The electricity generation of the future will be renewable, more variable and decentralized, and less predictable than the traditional electricity generation, which requires greater flexibility to match supply and demand,' it said.
According to the statement, all of these changes will affect companies and consumers alike, and will require greater flexibility in expansion and operation, both in terms of generation and demand, to achieve an electricity system that functions safely and efficiently.
Under the project, CoordiNet will commission three large-scale pilot projects to be implemented in Spain, Greece and Sweden.
'By taking away the distances, and as what happened with platforms in the housing and transport sector, the incorporation into the market of underused resources may generate value for their owners, and for the system as a whole,' said Pilar Nieto, responsible for Network Technologies at Endesa.
'The solutions that will be tested at CoordiNet allow taking the first steps toward implementing significant changes at the European level and developing key technology for the future,' she added.
Participants in CoordiNet include Iberdrola, REE, Tecnalia, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Our New Energy, Ayuntamiento de Malaga, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, E.ON Energidistribution, Svenska Kraftnat, Ayuntamiento de Uppsala, Energiforsk, Expektra, RWTH Aachen, HEDNO, IPTO, ICCS/NTUA, VITO, N-SIDE, ENGNEERING, OFFIS, EDSO, and ETRALUX.
By Hale Turkes
Anadolu Agency