The U.K. government has set a new emissions intensity limit for coal generating units as part of its aim to end unabated coal generation by 2025, the U.K. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy announced on Friday.
The department said that the country considers that an emissions intensity limit of 450 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity generated is an appropriate level.
The department drew attention to the government's announcement in November 2015 over the country's intention to consult on proposals to end unabated coal generation in the U.K. by 2025.
Following the consultation, the U.K. government decided to proceed with action to regulate the closure of unabated coal power generation units by 2025.
'We consider that the appropriate means to guarantee the closure of unabated coal by 2025 will be to set a new emissions intensity limit to generating units, which provides coal generators with more flexible options of investing to reduce emissions to a level in line with our decarbonization pathway,' the department noted.
By Ebru Sengul
Anadolu Agency